Mark Bodenschatz, P.E., ProFM, CSSP is the director of the Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute (PSFEI). He offers more than 30 years of experience in various aspects of facilities management including more than 10 years with Penn State Intercollegiate Athletics and more than 16 years with Office of Physical Plant. Specific areas of expertise within the ProFM arena include Asset Management, Business Management, and Risk Management. Bodenschatz earned earned bachelor and master's degrees in architectural engineering, both from Penn State. He is a licensed mechanical engineer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, holds a ProFM credential, and is a certified sports security professional.

Four key priorities not to overlook in your 2023 facility management planning

Facilities managers (FMs) face a number of dynamic challenges today. The solutions we applied to problems in the past may not be relevant in 2023 because their trends are influenced by different elements than they were in the past. Mark Bodenschatz, PE, ProFM, CSSP, Director, Penn State Facilities Engineering Institute shares his insights on how to manage the top 4 priorities for 2023.